Leaf Blowing Pitching Machine

https://www.youtube.com/embed/puJf2nIV4FA Here is an article on how to make a leaf blowing pitching machine. At this year’s Labor Day picnic, don’t yawn through another game of Wiffle ball. Instead, transform the low-key sport into a battle of batter versus machine. With only cheap plumbing supplies and a leaf blower, you can build a Wiffle ball […]
Stee Rike Three – Hard Wiffle Balls

The Stee Rike Three Training (Wiffle Ball) has 2 distinct ball types that comes in its package. There are 6-7 white training balls. They have 6 holes on each side, and they are a pure ball with limited if any curve to them naturally. I love this ball for pitching machine use because it is going […]
Wiffle Ball Rules

Various Rules of Wiffle Ball Rules: Wiffle ball is designed for use in congested areas. Because the ball will not travel that far it makes sense to use stickball type rules with balls traveling certain distances gives the batter types of hits, such as singles, doubles, triples and homeruns. Much like stickball, base running is […]
Wiffle Ball Bat Review – Wiffle Ball Bat

This is the granddaddy of all plastic bats. It was created in 1953 as part of the Wiffle Ball Game, which included the now famous plastic ball with 6 holes on one side and a solid circle on the other. The ball is a fantastic piece of equipment that I can’t ever imagine not being […]
Wiffle Ball Bat Review – Moonshot Bat

[smartslider3 slider=2] The Wiffle Bat Review for the Moonshot Bat – If you are serious about Wiffle Ball this is the bat for you. But it may hit your wallet harder than a Wiffle Ball. The look, feel, pop, are excellent for this custom made Handcrafted bat made in Idaho Falls, ID. When I talked […]
The Ball Park At Lake Gardner

This quirky field, The Ball Park At Lake Gardner, was my very first Ray Kinsella moment. After seeing a Wiffle Ball Field for the first time at the World Baseball Classics in 2006, I decided to build my a Wiffle Ball Field. Building a field is like planning a vacation, you have to go through […]
Easton Pro Stix 1000 – Wiffle Ball Bat Review

[smartslider3 slider=3] The Easton Pro Stix 1000 was the most popular bat at Little Ebbets Field. The look, feel, pop, ability to customize just enough and price point made this bat a favorite bat for many of the players. The Easton Pro Stix 1000 is a plastic bat, 33 inches long. Look and Feel […]
Wiffle Ball Bat Reviews

My Wiffle Ball Bat Reviews are for any bat is any plastic or aluminum bat designed to hit plastic balls roughly the size of a baseball. There’s not much more frustrating than wasting your time paying for a bat that doesn’t perform and has limited durability. These bats can cost $2 – $200 each. You can […]
The video that inspired my to build a Wiffle Ball Stadium

The video that inspired my to build a Wiffle Ball Stadium When I typed in – Wiffle Ball Stadium and How to Build A Wiffle Ball Stadium in 2006, this was the first video that came up. It may have been the only video that came up. There was a guy, who started playing ball […]
Wiffle ball stadium is a field of dreams

By Jeremy Kohler jkohler@post-dispatch.com 314-340-8337 Aug 8, 2014 Behind my childhood home in Connecticut, my father tried to grow a lawn in a small clearing on a rocky, tree-covered slope. But two spots were always worn to dirt: a pitching rubber and a batter’s box. Our backyard was a Wiffle ball stadium. There were ground […]